The Alcohol Free Marriage Podcast

77: Responding vs Reacting to Life

Episode Summary

This week we talk with Allison Barber about her journey with alcohol and how quitting helped her respond instead of react to life

Episode Notes

This week we talk with Allison Barber about her journey with alcohol and how quitting helped her respond instead of react to life

Allison Barber, a former D1 competitive gymnast from St. Louis, MO, navigated life’s pressures and joys, including marriage, parenting three daughters, and working for a family business. Battling internal conflicts with alcohol consumption, a twice ruptured cervical disc, and a difficult marriage, she found a turning point through Annie Grace’s ‘This Naked Mind’ book and the Path program. By June 2020, she transformed from a heavy drinker to a non-drinker, embracing freedom. Now a certified coach, she guides others toward lasting freedom from alcohol, believing in change from the Inside Out.

Drink of the week

Watch the podcast on YouTube here: Alcohol Free Marriage Podcast Video

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